
The series of ESOMAT conferences is being held in a triennial cycle since 1989. It has established a long lasting scientific tradition and helped to form a broad interdisciplinar scientific community of dedicated researchers from physics, material science, mathematics, mechanics and materials engineering background in Europe. Its scope has evolved in time with the field, nevertheless, the accent remains on basic and applied research on martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys and advanced steels.

  1. 1989 Bochum, Germany / Chairman Prof. E. Hornbogen
  2. 1991 Aussois, France / Chairman Prof. G. Guénin
    published by EDP Sciences in J. Phys. IV France 01 (1991) C4
  3. 1994 Barcelona, Spain / Chairman Prof. A. Planes
    published by EDP Sciences in J. Phys. IV France 05 (1995) C2
  4. 1997 Enschede, The Netherlands / Chairman Prof. J. Beyer
    published by EDP Sciences in J. Phys. IV France 07 (1997) C5
  5. 2000 Como, Italy / Chairman Prof. G. Airoldi
    published by EDP Sciences in J. Phys. IV France 11 (2001) Pr8
  6. 2003 Cirencester, England / Chairman Prof. C.M. Friend
    published by Elsevier in Materials Science and Engineering: A, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 378 (2004)
  7. 2006 Bochum, Germany / Chairman Prof. G. Eggeler
    published by Elsevier in Materials Science and Engineering: A, Mater. Sci. and Eng. A 481-482 (2008)
  8. 2009 Prague, Czech Republic / Chairman P. Šittner, Co-Chairmen A. Dlouhý and J. Pokluda
    published by EDP Sciences in ESOMAT 2009 (2009)
  9. 2012 Saint-Petersburg, Russia/ Chairmen Sergey Prokoshkin and Natalia Resnina
    Published by Trans Tech Publications Inc. in Materials Science Forum vol. 738-739
  10. 2015 Antwerp, Belgium/ Chairmen Nick Schryvers and Jan Van Humbeeck
    Published by EDP Sciences in MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 33