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Martensitic transformation in Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory wires broken by thermal cycling under constant load
J. Phys. IV France, 11 PR8 (2001) Pr8-375-Pr8-380
The series of ESOMAT conferences is being held in a triennial cycle since 1989. It has established a long lasting scientific tradition and helped to form a broad interdisciplinar scientific community of dedicated researchers from physics, material science, mathematics, mechanics and materials engineering background in Europe.
ESOMAT 2018 will take place in Metz France on August 27 - 31 2018.
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Free Access
Martensitic transformation in Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory wires broken by thermal cycling under constant loadJ. Phys. IV France, 11 PR8 (2001) Pr8-375-Pr8-380
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Open Access
Study of Microstructures on Cross Section of JAPANESE SWORDPublished online: 01 September 2009
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Collaborative Research Center TRIP-Matrix-CompositePublished online: 01 September 2009
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Free Access
STABILISATION PROCESSES IN A CANTiM ALLOYJ. Phys. IV France, 01 C4 (1991) C4-247-C4-252
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Open Access
In-situ XRD Investigations Of Two Step R-phase Transformations In Aged NiTi Shape Memory AlloysPublished online: 01 September 2009
N. Schryvers and J. Van Humbeeck (Eds.)
Petr Šittner, Václav Paidar, Luděk Heller and Hanuš Seiner (Eds.)